2017-01-26T11:39:35-0600 2023-07-25T13:19:28-0500 True CDFA and Author Adrienne Grace discusses the reputation that surrounds divorce in the early months of the year. CDFA and Author Adrienne Grace discusses the reputation that surrounds divorce in the early months of the year. /sites/default/files/DivorceForms-Stamp.png Divorce and Separation, Divorce Finances
Published: Jan 26, 2017
Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Is January "Divorce Month"?

The months of January to March have garnered a reputation for being the time of year with the highest instances of couples filing for divorce. Whether it’s the aftermath of holiday stress or larger issues finally overflowing and becoming too difficult to manage, these months have a tendency to have higher divorce rates than others.

Once the decision is made to end a relationship by way of divorce, the question of where to start and what issues need to be covered becomes important. While some issues to consider may seem obvious, other big points might not come to mind as quickly. Doing your own research online or talking to friends who've been through divorce before can be helpful, but receiving guidance directly from a trained professional will help you in navigating your specific situation.

Adrienne Grace is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Author with 30 years of financial advisory experience to clients going through this kind of transition. In this recent article titled "Is There a 'Season' for Divorce?" for Divorce Magazine, Adrienne discusses the reputation that surrounds divorce in the early months of the year and examines a few factors that are commonly overlooked when preparing for divorce.

Adrienne Grace is a CDFA and Author.Knowing What To Do Next

Adrienne brings 30 years of financial advisory experience to clients in transition. Whether that transition is in marital status, household partners, job change or elder year planning, Adrienne's holistic approach to financial transition planning guides clients through prudent preparation as well as rebuilding. With a measured approach to growth and preservation of assets, Adrienne works closely with her clients to develop a sound, comprehensive plan, created for each individual in transition. Adrienne's focus is to help clients navigate their transition eliminating financial pitfalls.

Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co. Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Davis Financial and Cadaret, Grant are separate entities.