How to Get Your Co-Parent to Use OurFamilyWizard
OurFamilyWizard is a co-parenting gamechanger when both parents use it. Here are some things you can say to your co-parent to get them on board.
Different people will respond to different points—so pick and choose the ones you think will resonate with your co-parent.
We can protect our kids (the one thing we still agree on).
It’s not just about you or me—most of all, it’s for the kids. If all our disagreements are kept within the co-parenting app, then they won’t hear us fight or peek at our messages.
As much as we try to avoid it, the kids probably hear us fighting sometimes. Divorce is stressful enough, and we don’t want to worsen their childhood trauma. But if it’s all in OurFamilyWizard, then they can’t hear a thing.
The app is password protected and doesn’t show notification previews, so even if the kids borrow one of our phones, they won’t know what’s going on between us.
You can document everything to demonstrate your perspective.
If we disagree, but it’s all on the record, then it will be clear anytime I’m wrong. No more “Who said what, when?” Instead, it’s all provable. There’s no editing or deleting, so I can’t manipulate the record—or the court—or you.
Once a message is sent, it’s permanently documented. Same goes for call logs, schedule change requests, location check-ins, child support, and more. It’s all accurate, automatic, transparent, and etched in stone. Your part of the record is fully within your control.
So it’s easy to show how reliable you are. If your GPS check-ins match the pick-up and drop-off times listed on the calendar, and you’re there on time, I can’t dispute it. Plus, the kids can depend on you. If you pay expenses on time, the record will reflect that, too.
And if I don’t show up punctually, that’ll be recorded too. OurFamilyWizard is a single source of truth, so we’ll have way less to argue over.

You can spend less money on legal bills.
This app streamlines your co-parenting tasks—and your lawyer’s tasks.
If we ever go back to court, it’s nice to know that everything is centrally documented in OurFamilyWizard. It’s really easy to print a PDF report. It’s fast, easy to customize, and available at any time with no extra fees.
That means your lawyer can compile evidence quickly. In fact, if you grant access to your lawyer, they’ll get a birds-eye view into our communication in the app, and they can download exactly what they need.
OurFamilyWizard has an annual fee, but just think of your lawyer’s hourly fee. If you stop paying your attorney to go through a bunch of text screenshots and individual emails, you’ll save enough money to cover the cost of the app. (And then some.)
A co-parenting app could even, possibly, help us resolve disputes on our own—rather than going back to court when we can’t agree. For example, either of us can suggest days to swap parenting time or suggest a counteroffer—instead of going through our lawyers.
You can keep all our co-parenting tasks and messages in one place (instead of emails + texts + other apps).
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of hunting through texts, emails, Instagram, Messenger, and voicemails to see where I sent you that one message. With OurFamilyWizard, you can centralize your co-parenting tasks to just one corner of your phone.
OurFamilyWizard has everything we need in one app: a parenting time calendar, secure messaging, documented calling, shared expense tracking, information storage, and GPS check-ins to log locations.
It’s not just messages—we can even ditch Venmo so you won’t see my name pop up when you’re checking if your sister paid you back for donuts. No more clunky spreadsheets, either. Just one simple app that does it all.
You can hear my voice less.
We’ll still have to send messages—but not as many. If you want to switch days, send a schedule change request. If you need me to pay you back, send a reimbursement request. A lot of communications don’t require long, open-ended conversations. Just a businesslike exchange of actions and decisions.
Since OurFamilyWizard notifications don’t show message previews, my messages won’t disrupt you during your parenting time, personal time, or in the middle of the workday. Or you can set up a daily digest, so you only get notified once a day. You don’t have to think about me until you’re ready.
You can free up some time, emotional energy, and mental space.
With OurFamilyWizard, it won’t take so much brainpower to juggle everything. You can go to the app, do what you need to do, and close it out. Then you can reclaim some space in your mind—and time in your day—for the kids, family, friends, hobbies, interests, and whatever else you have going on (not my business anymore).
Co-parenting is complicated, practically and emotionally. But if we use tools specific to co-parenting, in one central place, then maybe we can reduce our emotional costs, limit the boundaries of our conflict, and reclaim some brain space.