Child Support in Arizona: FAQs and Resources

Most parents already have an idea of the term"child support," but how does this actually work? Briefly, child support is payments that one parent makes to another to cover the expenses of raising the child or children they share. It's a concept that many never-married, separated, or divorced parents are well acquainted with, including those who reside in Arizona.
Here, we'll outline some frequently asked questions and basic resources related to child support payments in Arizona.
Arizona Child Support FAQs
Learn more about some frequently asked questions regarding child support payments in Arizona.
How does child support work in Arizona?
Child support payments in Arizona are based on an income shares model, which takes into account different factors in determining the payment amounts. These factors include your co-parent’s and your combined adjusted monthly gross income, the amount of parenting time you each have with your children, the standard of living the child or children would have enjoyed if your family was still living together, and the number of children you share.
How much does child support cost in Arizona?
The amount of child support you receive or have to pay will be according to Arizona's current schedule detailed in the Arizona Child Support Guidelines.
Like many states, Arizona will update these guidelines every few years. New guidelines for child support in Arizona will be in effect in 2022. You can preview these updated child support guidelines here.
How do I file for child support in Arizona?
You can file for child support through the Arizona Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) web portal or via paper application. You can visit the Arizona Department of Economic Security DCSS Apply for Child Support page.
Are child support payments taxed or tax-deductible in Arizona?
Regarding federal taxes, the IRS says that, "Child support payments are neither deductible by the payer nor taxable to the recipient. When you calculate your gross income to see if you're required to file a tax return, don't include child support payments received."
Similarly, in Arizona, child support payments are neither taxed nor tax-deductible on a state tax level.
How do I make child support payments in Arizona?
Parents have various options in making their child support payments. One can pay online using the DCSS payment portal.
Parents also can choose to pay via iPayOnline, a third-party payment option, which sources payments from the parent's bank accounts. There are also payment options available at kiosks, local retailers, and by mail. You can view each option in detail here at the AZ DCSS website.
How do I check on child support payments I’ve received?
Arizona DCSS provides electronic disbursement of child support payments, allowing parents to receive child support payments via the Arizona Electronic Payment Card (EPC) debit card or through direct deposits where child support payments are automatically deposited to the personal checking or savings account. You can visit the DCSS Parent Receiving Child Support page to learn more about these two options.
Parents can also track the history of the child support payments they received via the AZ Child Support Services Portal.
How can you use child support payments in Arizona?
Child support is intended to cover the cost of the children's everyday living expenses and can be used to pay for basic needs such as housing, clothing, and food. The payment is meant to help the kids keep the same standard of living had the family remained intact. In Arizona, child support can also be used to pay for the children's extracurricular activities, travel and entertainment, and other costs for the kids.
Arizona Child Support Resources
Here are several links to more information and useful resources regarding child support payments in Arizona.
Arizona Child Support Information
The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) DCSS is a good jump-off point for your research on how child support works in the state.
Visit the Arizona DES Division of Child Support Services website
Arizona DES DCSS Customer Service: 1-800-882-4151
Arizona Child Support Portal
The Arizona Child Support Portal is where you can access child support-related information. Through this portal, you can review your case status, correspond with customer service, view the history of child support payments, and update your contact information.
Calculating Child Support in Arizona
The Arizona Department of Economic Security Division of Child Support Services Customer Resource Guide outlines everything you should know about making or collecting payments in Arizona. The guide also links to the state’s current child support calculator as well as the Arizona Supreme Court’s guidelines for child support.
Arizona Child Support Laws
For the most accurate information about child support laws in Arizona, you’ll want to take a look at Arizona Revised Statutes 25-320.
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