The Best Family Lawyers, Mediators, and Collaborative Law Practices in California

Finding the best family lawyer in California with whom to work is an important first step when going through a divorce or separation. Before choosing a family law professional in California, however, co-parents must first decide how they want to approach their divorce. Depending on their approach, parents can choose from full-scope or limited-scope representation, consulting services, mediation, or collaborative law.
Explore California law firms, mediators, and collaborative law practices below to find the best representation for your family.
Law Firms in California
Lawyers or law firms can provide full-scope or limited-scope representation, consultation services, and more. Family law practitioners can help you keep track of important deadlines, draft paperwork, and file necessary documents. They can also provide essential guidance into the ways California laws affect child custody and support, spousal support, and other concerns.
Use the directory listings below to find representation in your area. Or read more about how working with a lawyer on OurFamilyWizard can aid you in getting your co-parenting off to a great start.
View all law firms in California
- Attorney Debra S. Frank
- Attorney Pamela Edwards-Swift, Esq.
- Bartholomew & Wasznicky LLP
- Berenji & Associates
- Bisbee Law Group, P.C.
- Boyd Law
- BSW Law
- Chase, Berenstein & Murray, Counselors at Law
- Christina Shaffer, Esq.
- De Ita & Lowe, LLP
- Dominion Law Group
- Donna Beck Weaver
- Douglas S. Pinkham
- Family Law Center
- Family Law Solutions
- Fernandez & Karney, APLC
- Fox & Bank, LLP
- Furman & Zavatsky LLP
- Gloria Flores-Cerul
- Hammers & Baltazar
- Heather Green - Family Law
- Helon & Manfredo, LLP.
- Help-U-File
- Jackie A. Abboud, APLC
- Kelly Chang Rickert
- Law & Mediation Offices of Garrison Klueck
- Law & Mediation Offices of Judith C. Nesburn
- Law Firm of Marie Moreno Myers
- Law Offices of Diane J.N. Morin
- Law Offices of Maureen Stubbs
- Law Offices of Rosemarie McElhaney
- Leeds, Wender & Rosenfeld LLP
- Lynn L. Matus-Collins
- MacKenzie & Associates
- Manassau Law Offices
- Mark B. Baer, Esq.
- Marnee Reiley, M.A.
- Mello & Pickering, LLP
- Michael J Lowy
- Moradi Saslaw
- Morgan, Tidalgo, Sukhodrev & Azzolino, LLP
- Nelson Comis Kettle & Kinney LLP
- Philip H. Shecter Law Offices
- Renee M. Marcelle
- Robert A. Goodman
- Sarieh Law Offices
- Stolar & Fischer, A Professional Law Corporation
- Susanne A. Coine
- The Law Office of David T. Ruegg
- The Law Offices of Bamieh & Erickson, PLC
- Thurman W. Arnold, III, CFLS
- Walzer Melcher LLP
- Weiler & Borst LLP
- Werno and Associates
- Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLP
- Yelman & Associates
Working with your lawyer on OurFamilyWizard
Keeping your lawyer in the loop concerning your co-parenting communication can be vital during and after your divorce or separation. OurFamilyWizard's specialized tools not only mitigate conflict between co-parents but also provide easy avenues for professional intervention when necessary.
Mediators in California
Mediation is an alternative approach to divorce that has the potential to save parents both time and money. Mediators can assist parents in reaching equitable solutions to questions concerning their parenting plan, child support, co-parenting communication, assets division, and more.
Find a California mediator in your area by searching the directory listings below. Or read more about how OurFamilyWizard supports parents and the neutral, third-party professionals they trust in finding solutions to complex co-parenting questions.
View all mediators in California
- Better Solutions
- Beverly Hills Psychotherapy & Counseling
- California Divorce Mediation
- Coast To Coast Mediation Center
- Consensus Facilitation
- Debra N. Caligiuri
- Diane M. Goodman, APC
- D’Cotledge Mediation | Family Law UN-Complicated
- Eskridge Mediation
- Forrest Woody Mosten
- Georgia Daniels, J.D.
- Gesher Mediation
- Judith Kaluzny
- Kenneth Cloke Dispute Resolution Center
- Kevin C. Coleman
- Kinsey Law Offices
- Leyla Balakhane Family Law Mediator MA, NCRP
- Liaise Divorce Solutions
- Lorna Jaynes
- Lubaroff Mediation
- Mari J. Frank, Esq & Associates
- Mark Ashworth
- Mary A. Duryee, Ph.D.
- McNamee Mediations
- Mediation 4 Resolution
- Mediation Offices of California
- Meg Razi
- Negotiation Law Blog
- New Path Center
- Northern California Mediation Center
- Pacific Coast Mediation
- Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center
- Preovolos & Weber, LLP
- The Divorce Help Clinic
Working with mediators and other neutral professionals on OurFamilyWizard
Mediators, parenting coordinators, and other neutral professionals can provide much-needed support to parents working their way toward positive and productive communication. Parents using OurFamilyWizard can streamline these relationships using OurFamilyWizard Professional Access.
> Better parenting coordination with OurFamilyWizard tools
> Alternative dispute resolution tools for diffusing conflict
Collaborative law practices in California
Collaborative law practice, through a commitment to cooperation between divorcing parties, removes traditional litigation from the divorce process. When pursuing this method of divorce, parents work with collaborative lawyers who are trained in helping parents find solutions mutually and with less contention. A collaborative divorce may also involve the help of additional mental health and financial experts.
If you're interested in pursuing a collaborative divorce in California, use the directory below to find a top lawyer in your area. Or expand 'Collaborative divorce on OurFamilyWizard to learn how collaborative divorce is made easier with OurFamilyWizard's online dispute resolution (ODR) tools.
View all collaborative law practices in California
- Ariel Winger Mediation and Collaborative Practice
- Central Valley Collaborative Law Affiliates
- Collaborative Divorce and Mediation Services
- Collaborative Divorce Services of Coachella Valley
- Collaborative Divorce Solutions of Orange County
- Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego
- Collaborative Opportunities
- Collaborative Practice - San Francisco, California
- Collaborative Practice East Bay
- Collaborative Practice Marin
- Collaborative Practice San Mateo County
- Divorce with Care: Martie H. Leys, J.D.
- LA Collaborative Family Law Association
- Law Offices of Brian Don Levy
- Pasadena Collaborative Divorce
- Sacramento Collaborative Practice Group
- Susan Carlisle, CPA
- Tesler & Sandmann
- The Coalition for Collaborative Divorce
- The Collaborative Council of the Redwood Empire
- The Collaborative Divorce Education Institute
- The Law & Mediation Offices of Barton Pokras
- The Law Office of Norman Dowler
Collaborative divorce on OurFamilyWizard
Approaching a separation or divorce in a spirit of cooperation can be hard work. The communication tools you use with your co-parent should lessen that burden. Learn why parents and collaborative law professionals have trusted OurFamilyWizard to help clarify co-parenting communication for over 16 years.
> Professional access and ODR tools reduce the impact of conflict on co-parenting
> Why you should consider a collaborative approach to divorce
Better co-parenting starts with better communication.
Create your OurFamilyWizard account and move beyond conflict today.