5 Simple Tips for Clear Communication on OurFamilyWizard

Shared parenting after divorce might not always be very simple. Yet when co-parents make an effort to communicate clearly and share information, they're more likely to find success within their new parenting arrangement. Many co-parents strive to achieve this, and using the right tools to support peaceful interactions can help get them there.
The OurFamilyWizard website is built with features to keep co-parenting communication straightforward and well documented. With a variety of tools that prompt parents to provide complete and unambiguous information, co-parents are more equipped to improve their communication.
So what are some ways that co-parents can use these tools to help improve communication? Here are five simple tips to help achieve clear communication on OurFamilyWizard.
Keep details organized
Within every parent account on OurFamilyWizard, tools a separated into features that help parents intuitively organize different types of information. These features include:
- a shared family calendar for tracking parenting time and events schedules
- a journal for checking-in at locations and recording memories
- an expense log for documenting shared parenting costs and sending reimbursements
- an information bank for storing details like insurance information and shared files
- a message board for secure messaging between co-parents.
Parents use these tools to share relevant information concerning their children, their parenting plan, and any other information that should be accessible in both of their homes. As new data comes in, parents can update entries with the most current details for things like school information, medical information, or schedule changes. Instead of wasting time having to search through messages or continuously pinging each other for information, keeping OurFamilyWizard entries current and well-organized makes it simple for parents to have the latest details right when they need them.
Avoid messaging whenever possible
Emails and text messages have a knack for stimulating conflict and confusion, especially if conflict already exists between co-parents. Details can be easily overlooked in a long email, or they can be unclear in a short text message. Co-parents should avoid poor communication so that they're better able to reach decisions and handle parenting matters on their own.
The OurFamilyWizard toolset offers alternative communication tools to help get co-parents out of the habit of sending requests via messages. While a message board is available on OurFamilyWizard, most types of information that parents need to share can be communicated through the other features.
Tools on OurFamilyWizard were explicitly created to reduce conflict by only allowing certain, specific details to be entered into requests. Responses to these requests are also straightforward: a parent can approve, refuse, or send a counteroffer. A history of each request and response is maintained indefinitely, reducing confusion over what was requested and decided.
Unlike using long-form messages to negotiate matters, requests on OurFamilyWizard for parenting time modifications, expense reimbursements, and more are always clear-cut and unambiguous. These tools help co-parents achieve clear communication and take care of parenting matters in real-time.
Carefully consider your tone
While much information can be shared using tools other than messaging on OurFamilyWizard, sometimes a conversation must be had. The OurFamilyWizard message board is where parents can have well-documented discussions while receiving some feedback about how their tone might sound to someone else.
ToneMeter™ is incorporated into OurFamilyWizard entries, such as messages, to analyze the tone of new correspondence as it is being written, flag emotionally charged phrases, and let the author know how those phrases could make the recipient feel when read. The author then has a chance to edit their tone before sending the message or saving the entry. This tool invites parents to be more mindful of their tone and helps to promote clear communication.
Keep info with you on-the-go
Using the OurFamilyWizard toolset, parents can take their information anywhere. OurFamilyWizard mobile apps are free to download and use with an OurFamilyWizard account. These apps allow parents to access their parenting time calendars, expense registers and more, whether at home or away.
They offer access to details such as insurance information, medical data, and other information that can be critical in emergencies. Plus, parents can choose to activate push notifications that will alert them each time the other parent shares new information. The OurFamilyWizard mobile apps make it easy to get those new details fast.
Get help from your professionals
Achieving clear communication in co-parenting can be more accessible when using the tools offered by OurFamilyWizard. But how parents use these tools is just as important. These tips can be helpful to co-parents using these tools, but the guidance offered by family law professionals can be even more so.
Professional Access on OurFamilyWizard provides a window into co-parent communication for attorneys, mediators, GALs, and other legal or mental health practitioners working with a family. With one professional account, a practitioner can link to clients to oversee communication directly on OurFamilyWizard and create reports of messages and other entries across their client's account. If a practitioner is working with both parents in a family such as a parenting coordinator, they can work even more closely with their clients by helping them set up parenting schedules and other entries.
Practitioners shouldn't have to wait for their clients to overwhelm their email inbox with forwarded emails or screenshots of text messages. Using OurFamilyWizard, all client communication is thoroughly documented and available when the practitioner requires it. This allows practitioners to streamline their work better and help clients reach better outcomes faster.
Want to learn more about how OurFamilyWizard can help you achieve clear communication in co-parenting? Sign up for an account today and get to know the tools for yourself! You can try the tools for yourself and see how they can help your co-parenting. If you're unhappy for any reason, you can contact us to cancel and receive a full refund within the first 30 days after subscribing.