OurFamilyWizard iOS App for Family Mediators
Family mediators use OurFamilyWizard to aid in their intimate work with co-parents to discuss and reach agreements on crucial family matters. With access to oversee communication and interact with parents in all features of the app, OurFamilyWizard allows the work of mediators to go beyond meetings or sessions so that it may take place when their assistance is needed most.
The OurFamilyWizard iOS app for family mediators provides the right amount of access to communication going on between parents so that you're never left in the dark about issues as they arise.
The Role of Family Mediators
Whether parents have come to you on their own or have been assigned to you through Family Court Services, your role is to act as a neutral third-party to assist both parents in crafting their parenting plan.
Through this process, you will identify and prioritize issues, walk parents through various possible solutions to each issue, and help them come to an agreement on each matter. Family lawyers may also be involved through this process, particularly if the parties are partaking in a collaborative divorce, or you may just be working privately with only the parents.
Connect with multiple families via one account
In between sessions, family mediators can keep up with communication between co-parents on OurFamilyWizard. This level of access lets you see how the parents are sticking to the agreements made in mediation sessions and allows you to intervene and participate in the conversation whenever your assistance is necessary.
With a free OurFamilyWizard Practitioner Account, you'll have access to every family you are working with through one account. You can also create accounts for any new families you are working with or link to families who are already using OurFamilyWizard.
No matter how you connect to the families you work with, you're able to have complete access to their activity and can work directly with each family on OurFamilyWizard via the iOS app for family mediators.
Tools for every co-parenting matter
The variety of issues you may address in family mediation include parenting schedules, child-related expenses, decisions about schooling, access to medical records, and so much more. During and well after mediation has concluded, you want parents to enact the decisions you reached together and follow the parenting plan that they agreed on.
For parents, OurFamilyWizard is broken into features that each help to focus communication on one particular issue. For family mediators, the OurFamilyWizard iOS app makes it easier to see how each parent is upholding their responsibilities as laid out by their parenting plan. No more weeding through email cc's or waiting for mediation sessions to put together the story.
Additionally, the OurFamilyWizard app for iOS lets you assist the parents with entries throughout the site if your help is required. With access to both parents, you can:
- Set up an accurate parenting time calendar
- Create expense categories according to the agreement
- Send messages to both parents as a group or individually
- View sign-in histories for both parents
Even if you are just working with a family for a short time, using OurFamilyWizard in tandem with parents in mediation offers you more flexibility in your access to family information and can help parents reach resolutions that are favorable for everyone.